Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dreamwalking and Vampires

I had a couple of dreams with Michelle Belanger in them not long ago. She is probably symbolic for me of real vampires, but she's also someone who dreamwalks. Since I've met her, she's symbolic for me, and we have a mutual friend in Rune, it's possible that I could dreamwalk to her.

Here's my dream about her from 1-25-08. This was right after I'd been listening to some Shadowdance podcasts the night before, listening to her voice on the podcasts.

- I'm in the house I grew up in and I walk into the middle bathroom. Michelle B. is there drawing a bath. I think I want to bathe in this water as a cleansing ritual for myself, but I don't actually do it. - She's in a later part too, but I can't recall it after I wake.

"Michelle B. Pregnant" (2-2-08)

- I'm at my old house and Michelle B. is visiting here. Later, someone tells me she's pregnant. (I think that could symbolize her working on a new book.) [I later found she's requesting submissions for the 2nd volume of Vampires In Their Own Words.] - In a later part of the dream, I'm walking through a store like Target or K-Mart, looking for some nice, black, vampy-looking clothes, like a nice top and long skirt for evening wear. I can't find anything, only a few scarves of various colors that I think might be made into a halter top.

I wrote at the DDD board that bathtubs in my dreams seem to have something to do with self-identity. If a cleansing ritual is a symbolic rebirth, then Michelle B. could symbolize here a sort of symbolic midwife to a change in my self-identity. She represents in part my understanding of real vampirism. I identify with how she doubted she was vampiric and kept testing that theory when she was younger. I identify with her love of knowlege, words and writing. I identify with her desire to make real vampirism more accessable and understandable to non-vampires too.

At the last Reno meetup, I told Midi that I'd dreamt of Michelle B. and wondered if it could've really been her. She said I should email her and ask her if she dreamt of me too. She said one of the other women in the group had dreamt of her before, and when she asked Michelle B. about it, she said she had dreamt of her too. I told Midi that I didn't feel like I could email her because I'd only met her once and didn't feel like I knew her well enough to do that.

- P.

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