I'm still trying to figure out what I am, but I don't get those insanely intense bouts of "hunger" anymore. I realized that part of my problem probably comes from what an iradologist called "delicate blood glucose" levels. So, if I eat protein, eat regularly, and don't eat too many simple carbs, my symptoms of what seems to be pranna hunger don't get too bad.
On the other hand, I do think I energy feed, but probably not as frequently as a pure psychic vampire would. I had an aura photo taken at one of the psychic fairs and showed it to a few self-professed vampires who agreed with me that it doesn't look like the aura of a classic psychic vampire. Maybe I'm some kind of otherkin that has a vampiric side or maybe I'm just a human who has a vampiric side. I don't feel non-human, but some of my dreams of what could be an early incarnation on this Earth are a little unusual. I won't go into that because it's complicated and just speculation.
One of the ideas I keep turning around in my mind is that I might be some kind of succubus. This doesn't mean I'm some gorgeous seductress who has sex with every guy around or that I often and easily slip into other people's dreams to have metaphysical intercourse with them and drain them of life energy. (I only wish I could, because the few times I have dreamt of doing something like that, the energy rush was fantastic.) What being a succubus means to me is that I dreamwalk and feed in dreams sometimes, that I'm somewhat empathic and can probably turn that to a sort of "reverse empathy" where I turn up other people's emotions, that I can feed on sexually charged energy, and that when I do feed on sexually charged energy it dosn't seem to hurt the other person.
I had a dream back in college, where I was lucid and talking with a dream guide. At the time, I was getting frustrated with all my dreams of being a vampire and wanted to know why I kept dreaming of this. I asked him, "Am I a human pretending to be a vampire or a vampire pretending to be a human pretending to be a vampire? Who am I? What am I? Who am I? What am I? Who am I? What am I?"
The dream guide responded with "Inanna-Lamia-Inanna-Lamia-Inanna-Lamia".
I then woke and thought that was a very weird answer. I didn't know what I meant, but I remembered it.
I've never thought or felt I was a goddess. I've never thought or felt I was some kind of supernatural creature. I've tried to find links between the Sumerian goddess Inanna and the Greek and later English idea of the Lamia, though, and I've found some.
In another dream from around the same time, I dreamt that Lamia was a sort of immortal muse who inspired Keats and Yeats. Keats wrote "Lamia" and "La Belle Dame Sans Merci", both of which are about vampiric figures. In the letters at the end of my book on his poetry there are also references to discussions about strange, otherworldly beings. Yeats, who lived later, also wrote about this idea of a dark, vampiric muse. I don't think I knew this when I had this dream.
I look back at the ancient vampiric, succubus/incubus demons of Sumerian myth and see parallels with modern vampires and with the Leanana Sidhe. There are also linguistic and symbolic connections from the Sumerian/Akkadian "ki-sikil-lil-la-ke", "lili", "lilu", "lilitu", "ardat-lili" and "irdu-lili" to the Hebrew Lilith and lilim and then to the Greek "Lamia and lamiae. On a webpage I found today it says:
"Another Lilith-prototype, Lilitu, is a star actress, of first rate, in the corpus of Babylonian spells, where she appears as a lust demoness. The incurable patients, which get wasted with no remedy, are called in these spells the bridegrooms of Lilitu, and they recall to us the victims of vampyrism, which, under the stress of her parasitic kisses, languish slowly, until they join their lover in the bosom of death. "
This description sounds to me much like dark muses who were thought to both inspire and drain Romantic poets. From a cached page called "Angels and Daimons" comes this description:
"For the poet, the daimon is his or her Muse, who is at the very least a mixed blessing. Keats painted portraits of his Muse in Lamia and The Belle Dame sans Merci: white-skinned, cold, irresistibly alluring figures who seduce the poet, drain him like a vampire for their own purposes, and leave him "alone and palely loitering". For, once she is awakened, the Muse will drive relentlessly to become the centre of the personality, casting aside whatever we think of as ourselves. The rewards in terms of achievement can be enormous, but they are also dangerous; and everyday life, with its little comforts and satisfactions, can be a casualty. As the late Poet Laureate, Ted Hughes, writes feelingly in Winter Pollen (1994), the Muse "from earliest times came to the poet as a god, took possession of him, delivered the poem, then left him." It was axiomatic, he says, that she lived her own life separate from the poet's everyday personality; that she was entirely outside his control; and that she was, above all, supernatural."
I read somewhere that the lilim of Jewish folklore are supposed to latch onto their human lovers so strongly that it takes a writ of divorce to be freed of them. That reminded me of how I felt I had a metaphysical link to and kept dreaming of my own ex-boyfriend long after we'd broken up. I felt like I still had a "right" to dreamwalk to him and feed off him if I could. It wasn't until after he told me he'd remarried, that my link to him finally seemed to be more or less severed. Was I feeding from him like a succubus when I dreamt of him? I don't know, but it seems possible.
I posted the following to my Meetup group's list. It's long, but it describes how I felt like I was energy feeding last Halloween day. It also shows why I think I might be something like a succubus.
The whole weekend at Blood Moon I barely slept and didn't eat that much, but I was still buzzing like I was on caffeine much of the time. I attribute this to the many otherkin in the house, as well as to the natural energy of the lake and surrounding environment. I didn't start to feel a normal food hunger level until the 2nd day I was in LA for the Twilight gathering. Then, after staying up most of the night with a bunch of vampires at the event, I was hungry again in the morning and went out and bought a juice drink for breakfast.
The driver of the van that took me back to the airport that day threw out my drink as I got into his van. I couldn't really blame him for wanting to protect the interior, but I had hoped a juice drink with protein in it would help control my other hunger. The driver and I talked pleasantly together for much of the trip, but after we picked up another passenger, the driver asked what kind of group the event I'd gone to had been for. I told him "Vampire". This didn't immediately end our conversation, but it did stop shortly thereafter.
I started to feel really hungry then. I ate some chocolate I had in my purse, but still felt hungry and felt like I was drawing energy off the driver. He got quiet and so did I. I tried not to pull energy off him, but I felt like I couldn't control it. My head felt weird, not quite a headache, but almost. Then I noticed the driver kept brushing the top of his head with his hand, like maybe his head felt weird too. Finally we got to the airport, I paid him his tip and left.
At the airport I still felt hungry, so I ate a double bacon cheeseburger and some orange juice. I still felt hungry after that.
On the plane I sat behind a young couple. I noticed the man lean into the woman's neck as he talked to her and I decided to try to sense his energy the way I'd sensed [the guy's] at Rune's energy perception meet-up. [That guy] had "tasted" to me of vanilla ice-cream. The man in front of me reminded me at first of strawberry whip cream, either strawberry and vanilla or cherry and vanilla. I focussed on the vanilla and this "scent" became stronger. Since I was still hungry and wanted to test if I might be some kind of succubus, I focussed my thoughts on the man and tried to arouse and intensify his amorous feelings toward his girlfriend. It seemed to work, though it's possible he and she would've behaved as they did whether I'd willed it or not.
I kept thinking toward him thoughts like: "She smells good. She's warm and soft. Think of how her skin smells. Think of the taste of her skin. Think of her kissing your neck. You want to kiss her skin. Think of how warm and soft her body feels against yours...." I did this for almost the whole flight back to Reno, including thoughts of them touching each other under the blanket across their laps. They never saw me looking at them and never noticed me, but I saw him nuzzle her neck repeatedly and both of them whisper into each other's ear. At the end of he flight he stood and raised his eyebrows at her to indicate amorous thoughts of more things he'd like to do with her when they were alone together. Both of them seemed happy.
For myself, I enjoyed the display and felt the spark of amorous feelings within myself as I obsevred the couple. I no longer felt hungry, tired or headachy when we landed. I also had plenty of energy to drive home to Sacramento and to stay up and watch a couple of scary TV shows before going to sleep.
Of course, I don't know if the couple would've behaved as they did had I not been trying to project amorous thoughts toward them. I don't know if the driver of the van was feeling weird because I was feeding off his energy. Two days later, while I was writing in my journal in the cafe at Borders, I don't know if I was the cause of one man falling asleep with his finger poised over the page of his book, then staring accusingly at me and following me out to my car when I left. I can't prove any of this, but to me it seems like more than just coincidence.
- Persephone
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